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Kebun Raya Indrokilo Boyolali

17 May 2023 Wisata Buatan

Kebun Raya Indrokilo: Pusat Wisata Edukasi yang Memikat

Kebun Raya Indrokilo yang berlokasi di Kelurahan Kemiri, Kecamatan Mojosongo, Kabupaten Boyolali hadir sebagai oase hijau yang memikat para pecinta alam dan ilmu pengetahuan. Jika dari Alun-alun Kidul Boyolali pengunjung hanya perlu menempuh jarak 4 kilometer dengan durasi 12 menit berkendara. Awal mula didirikannya Kebun Raya Indrokilo Boyolali karena keprihatinan menghilangnya berbagai jenis tumbuhan lokal di kawasan Boyolali karena perubahan tutupan hutan menjadi lahan perkebunan, pertanian, perumahan, industri dan sarana prasarana lainnya, lalu tercetuslah ide untuk pembangunan kebun raya. Dinamakan Kebun Raya Indrokilo karena lokasinya di sekitar Makam Indrokilo. Tim Pusat Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya dan tim Pemkab Boyolali melakukan survei ke beberapa tempat dan akhirnya diputuskan memilih area dekat makam kerabat Keraton Solo, yaitu Makam Indrokilo. Dengan harga tiket Rp 5.500 per orang, Indrokilo telah memberikan pengalaman wisata edukasi yang menarik. Kebun Raya seluas sekitar 8,9 hektar ini dulunya merupakan sawah yang dimiliki pemerintah. Kemudian didirikan kebun raya yang memiliki beberapa spot menarik dan ikonik, diantaranya Taman Labirin, Ecological House, Bahtera Nabi Nuh, Air Terjun Niagara, Patung Sosro Birowo, dan Gerbang Pasingsingan. Kebun Raya Indrokilo buka setiap hari kecuali hari Senin, dengan jam operasional mulai pukul 08.00 sampai 16.00 WIB. Beberapa bagian lain yang tersedia di Kebun Raya Indrokilo antara lain wahana outbound, area piknik, toilet dan mushola, tempat souvenir, warung makan, dan area parkir yang luas. Kebun Raya Indrokilo juga menyewakan sepeda untuk yang tidak mau berjalan kaki karena luasnya area tersebut. Macam-macam sepeda seperti sepeda biasa, sepeda tandem, dan sepeda listrik, tentunya dengan harga sewa yang berbeda. Sepeda biasa dibandrol dengan harga Rp5.000/jam, sedangkan sepeda tandem dibandrol dengan harga Rp25.000/jam, dan untuk sepeda listrik Rp50.000/jam. Syarat untuk menyewa sepeda hanya dengan memberikan jaminan seperti KTP, SIM, atau kartu pelajar. Kebun Raya Indrokilo yang mengusung tema “Tumbuhan Hutan Hujan Dataran Rendah Jawa Bagian Timur” telah berkembang menjadi tempat wisata edukasi yang populer karena menawarkan perpaduan sempurna antara keindahan alam, kekayaan hayati, dan suasana yang inspiratif untuk belajar. Mengutip dari Soloraya Solopos, Kebun Raya Indrokilo telah memiliki koleksi tanaman yang beragam, seperti tanaman obat, tanaman buah, tanaman hias, dll yang jumlahnya mencapai 412 spesies dan 1.580 spesimen dengan rata-rata 3-4 tanaman per spesies dengan rincian hasil eksplorasi habitat asli dan pemberian Kebun Raya lain maupun pihak lain yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan asal usulnya.

Pada Jumat (3/5/2024) merupakan hari perayaan ulang tahun Kebun Raya Indrokilo yang ke-5 tahun. Berbagai kegiatan diselenggarakan untuk memeriahkan perayaan hari ulang tahun yang dikelola Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Boyolali. Beberapa kegiatan itu diantaranya pendidikan lingkungan dan pengenalan Kebun Raya Indrokilo yang diikuti 13 SD di sekitar dengan lebih dari 1.000 siswa beserta gurunya. Kemudian ada lomba Poster Tumbuhan Koleksi Kebun Raya Indrokilo diikuti 79 kelompok siswa SMP se-Kabupaten Boyolali. Hari peringatan tersebut dihadiri oleh Bupati Boyolali M. Said Hidayat didampingi oleh Ketua TP PKK Boyolali Desy M. Said Hidayat. Wakil Bupati Boyolali Wahyu Irawan, Ketua DPRD Boyolali Marsono, dan Sekretaris Daerah Boyolali Wiwis Trisiwi Handayani juga ikut turut serta menghadiri acara tersebut. Melansir dari laman resmi Pemkab Boyolali, Bupati Said berharap bahwasanya Kebun Raya Boyolali ini dapat menjadi ruang pembelajaran bagi masyarakat lokal maupun luar Boyolali dalam rangka pendekatan manusia dan lingkungan hidup.

Kebun Raya Indrokilo: An Enchanting Educational Tourism Center

Kebun Raya Indrokilo, located in Kemiri Village, Mojosongo District, Boyolali Regency, presents a green oasis that attracts nature and science enthusiasts. From Alun-alun Kidul Boyolali, visitors only need to reach a distance of 4 kilometers with a duration of 12 minutes driving. The establishment of the Kebun Raya Indrokilo in Boyolali was due to concerns about the disappearance of various local plant species in the Boyolali area as a result of changes in forest cover into plantations, agriculture, housing, industry and other infrastructure facilities, so the initiative of establishing a botanical garden was made. It was named Kebun Raya Indrokilo as it is located around Indrokilo Tomb. The Botanical Garden Plant Conservation Center team and the Boyolali Regency Government team surveyed several places and finally decided to choose an area near the tomb of a family member of the Keraton Solo, which is Indrokilo Tomb. For the ticket price of 5,500 IDR per visitor, Indrokilo has provided an interesting educational tourism experience. The 8.9-hectare botanical garden was once a rice field owned by the government. Then, a botanical garden was established which has several interesting and iconic spots, including Labyrinth Park, Ecological House, The Ark of Prophet Nuh, Niagara Falls, Sosro Birowo Statue, and Pasingsingan Gate. Kebun Raya Indrokilo is open every day except Monday, with operational time from 08.00 to 16.00 WIB. Kebun Raya Indrokilo offers a variety of other attractions, including outbound rides, picnic areas, restrooms, prayer rooms, souvenir stands, food stalls, and a spacious parking lot. For those who prefer not to walk due to the extensive size of the garden, bicycles are available for rent. The bicycles available for rental include regular bicycles, tandem bicycles, and electric bicycles, with prices varying according to the type of bicycle. The rental fee for regular bicycles is 5,000 IDR per hour, while tandem bicycles are priced at 25,000 IDR per hour, and electric bicycles at 50,000 IDR per hour. The only requisite for renting a bicycle is to provide collateral, such as an ID card, driver's license, or student card. Kebun Raya Indrokilo, which embraces the theme “Lowland Rainforest Plants of Eastern Java”, has developed into a popular educational tourist spot because it offers a perfect combination of natural beauty, biological richness, and an inspiring atmosphere for learning. According to Soloraya Solopos, Kebun Raya Indrokilo has a diverse collection of plants, such as herbs, fruit plants, ornamental plants, and many more which amount to 412 species and 1,580 specimens with an average of 3-4 plants per species as a result of exploration of native habitats and grants from other Botanical Gardens and other parties that can be accounted for their origin.

The fifth anniversary of Kebun Raya Indrokilo was celebrated on Friday, March 5, 2024. A series of events was organized by Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Boyolali to mark the occasion. Among the activities held were educational programs on environmental issues and an introduction to Kebun Raya Indrokilo. These events were attended by 13 elementary schools, with more than 1,000 students and their teachers. Subsequently, Kebun Raya Indrokilo Collection Plant Poster competition was held, which was attended by 79 groups of students from junior high schools in Boyolali Regency.

The commemoration day was attended by Boyolali Regent M. Said Hidayat accompanied by the Head of TP PKK Boyolali Desy M. Said Hidayat. Boyolali Vice Regent Wahyu Irawan, Boyolali DPRD Chairman Marsono, and Boyolali Regional Secretary Wiwis Trisiwi Handayani also participated in the occasion. As quoted from the official website of the Boyolali Regency Government, Regent Said expected that Kebun Raya Indrokilo could become a learning space for local and outside Boyolali communities in the context of human and environmental approaches.